
I am so excited to share this place-Truffles Livingwith you because the vibe of this vintage cafe is everything you can expect! Imagine yourself sitting onantique furniture(literally surrounded) with your laptop beside and a drink in your hand. How does that sound? Excited already? What’s more, if you are thinking about buying some antique decors for your personal space, everything you see here isbuy-able!



Truffles Livingis called舒服生活, which means comfortable life. See, how can you not be comfortable here? Especially the sofa which I hope i can bring home (well, maybe not just the sofa…also thedisco ballhanging right in the middle).


Can you imagine that this place was reconstructed from an abandoned schoolhouse? And all the furniture around you are real antiques collected mostly from Europe (yep you’re sitting on some old and expensively fancy sofa).As you might expect, yes I have sooooo many pocket lists for cafes in Taiwan (besides our food, we should be famous for our coffee shop also), so if there is a cafe which I am willing to give 2nd visit instead of visiting a new one within a month, yes, there must be something about it.


My first visit here I tried theirRose & Sea Salt Latte, I have to say it is way saltier than I expected, haha (you can order rose flavor solely). 2nd time I had their Toffee nut latte, nice with rich toffee scent. What I would recommend, is theirDrunk Cow,it easily catches our eye when checking the menu. It iscoffee lattewithwhiskeyandbrown sugar. Personally I’m not a fan of the coffee whiskey combination (thanks to Irish coffee), but Drunk Cow overturned this, it tastes unexpectedly good!


With certain amount of whiskey in this “Cow” which is well combined with coffee and milk. I will definitely have this in my next visit when I feel like sneaking some alcohol in the daytime. (Although I only tried their coffee, but I believe their savories are worth a try also, they smell soooo good while they are cooking.)



三訪 Third visit

After this post so many friends asked me about this cafe, so here I am again! And this time, I finally ordered their cake which have been waving at me since the first time I came. So here’s the feast we had, aren’t they adorable

So we had:

Red Oolong  & Calendula Chiffon (left)

Cherry Blossom & Strawberry Tiramisu (right)

Matcha Latte

文章發表以後許多朋友也都對這家咖啡廳興致勃勃, 所以我又來啦! 而且這次,我終於點了我從第一次來就在肖想的蛋糕~




Chiffon:As I am not too sensitive with taste, so I can’t really say that there’s the special scent from Oolong or Calendula, but as you can tell it’s totally instagrammable and you can never go wrong with a cake!


Tiramisu: If your standards are higher, then go for this one. It’s not too sweet and with a little sourness from strawberry. And from picture you can see the details, they have my favorite pearl-like chocolate inside!


Matcha Latte: Most Matcha Latte I saw are just Matcha with milk, but their Matcha Latte are with coffee. I’m not a Matcha lover and I had some bad experiences with Matcha drinks (when the Matcha flavor tastes way too much and bitter), but this visit idk why I just decided to give it a try. So after my experiment, I am glad to tell all non-Matcha lovers (at least you don’t hate matcha), the Matcha Latte here is safe to try.  The matcha scent tastes pleasant, not too overwhelming or bitter.

抹茶拿鐵: 大部分市面上看到的抹茶拿鐵都是抹茶加牛奶, 他們的含有咖啡喔。我不是抹茶粉絲也有過幾次採到抹茶雷的經驗(超苦或是味道太重),這次也不知怎麼的就是想試試它們的抹茶拿鐵。在這裡可以跟如果也不是抹茶粉的你們說(至少不討厭抹茶啦),這裡的抹茶拿鐵值得一試喔,跟牛奶融合得很順抹茶味不會太重或太苦。

Or, if you feel like having alcohol solely, no problem they got it also. So, Truffles living is not just for coffee, but also if you’re looking for a place for adult beverages but consider bars too loud, good news is that they are opened till midnight.

Tap for menu


Besides for food and drinks and furniture buying, if you’re looking for a place to hold your exhibition or for photo shoot, contact them directly!





Tel:02 2708 8961

Opening hours:11:30~12:00

更多 舒服生活Truffles Living 的資訊(營業時間、菜色...),可點擊下方卡片觀看介紹:
舒服生活Truffles Living
· 台北市 大安區 · 34則評論
小酌酒品信義安和站美食文昌街咖啡館下午茶舒服生活 菜單舒服生活拍照Taiwan草彌藍莓塔信義安和餐廳台北咖啡廳推薦歐洲家具信義敦化咖啡台北信義路信義安和咖啡館咖啡館台北古董咖啡廳信義安和站台北不限時咖啡廳台北友善寵物餐廳truffles living信義安和站 下午茶歐洲台北餐廳歐式手沖咖啡台北咖啡廳復古家俱有WIFI信義安和捷運站輕食下午茶復古家具台北友善寵物咖啡廳信義安和不限時咖啡廳歐洲老件不限時大安區美食限時輕食信義安和美食推薦信義安和下午茶Bjack Swing Trio夜訪舒服生活台北咖啡館信義安和舒服生活空間租借文青咖啡廳慢活咖啡館推薦茶品信義安和 甜點Taipeicafe信義安和復古有插座大安區咖啡館心情酒單大安區咖啡店舒服生活 Truffles Living舒服生活咖啡信義敦化美食舒服生活Truffles Living風格咖啡館Cafe台北信義安和美食信義敦化下午茶Truffles living老屋Taipei拍照景點場拍IG熱點信義安和咖啡廳舒服生活trufflesliving咖啡廳# 食記 #咖啡信義安和咖啡古董咖啡廳傢俱甜點點心信義安和站 甜點歐式咖啡館錢人豪咖啡館歐式古董舒服生活 咖啡館Truffles Living三明治比利時台北下午茶信義安和美食軟西遊記下午茶推薦鮮榨柳橙汁爵士樂荷蘭台北美食大安區咖啡廳信義安和站 咖啡場租truffles living舒服生活外拍信義安和站餐廳
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